Lunch and School Calendars
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
Lunch menu
School Calendar
September 3-7 Monday and Tuesday 🚀 NO SCHOOL Thursday ⭐️3/4 Softball Tournament @ Maryetta, 3rd grade @ 9:45, 4th grade @ 10:30 🍀 5-8 4-H to County Judging contest Friday ❤️ Grandparent Day Dinner, Grandparents welcome to come enjoy lunch with their grandchild 🚀 K-4 to NSU for Aesop’s Fables play (free), will be back for luncheon ⭐️3/4 Softball Tournament @ Maryetta
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
Marietta 3/4 tournament
August 27 - 31 ** We are in the process of switching companies for our one-call. Student contact numbers should be uploaded this week. In the meantime, please check this page or our school website for up to date information. 🐖 7/8 grade is selling Blue and Gold sausage, bacon, and chicken Monday ⭐️ 5-8 Softball practice after school Tuesday ⭐️ 5-8 Softball at Moseley Tournament, 3 games, 11:00, 1:00, and 2:00 Wednesday ⭐️ 5-8 Softball, home vs Dahlonegah, 2 games @12:30, home vs Greasy, 1 game @ 2:30 Thursday 📷 School Pictures, Pre-K -8th, no money now, proofs will be sent home ⭐️ 5-8 Softball @ Moseley Tournament, 3 games @ 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 🏈 5-8 Football, home vs Oaks, 5:00, 6:00 Friday 🍿 Concession ⭐️ 3/4 Softball, home vs. Maryetta @ 9:00
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
Moseley 30th
Moseley 28th
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
5/6 Softball bracket for Wednesday, August 22nd at Westville.
Back to school
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
Backpack giveaway
Special Board Meeting
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
Board Meeting Agenda
Board Meeting Minutes- June 11 meeting
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
Basketball Camp-Attention 6th, 7th, and 8th grade basketball players for 2018-19! Team Camp at Maryetta tomorrow and Friday. Please meet Coach Page at RM gym by 8:30 AM
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
Team Camp
Summer information for parents...
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
May 7-8 This is Teacher Appreciation Week!! Let your child's teachers know how much you love and appreciate them through a kind word, thank you card, or a small gift. Rocky Mountain is blessed with the best! 💙🚀💛 Monday 👨‍🎓 8th Grade Graduation, 6:30, New Gym. Doors will open at 6:00, graduates need to be there by 6:15. Tuesday 👨‍🎓 PreK 4 Graduation, 9:00, New Gym 👨‍🎓 Kindergarten Graduation, 10:00, New Gym 🎉 Last day of school See you August 9th!! Have a happy and safe summer!
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
April 30-May 4 Forms for 3-8 grade sports physicals and Tdap booster for 6th graders were sent home last week. If you want your child to participate, forms and money must be turned in Monday. Immunizations are free. Physicals are $20 unless you have private insurance. If so, they will bill your provider. All 7th graders must have the Tdap booster before school starts. All athletes must have a physical before school starts. This clinic will save parents from having to take time off of work. Monday 🚀 Cultural Day for all grades. We will be serving Indian tacos for lunch Tuesday 🚀 5th-8th to Devil's Den, 8:00 -2:45 Wednesday 🚀 Awards Assemblies in new gym. 1st-4th @ 9:00 AM, 5th-8th @ 10:30 Thursday 🚀 8th grade tea/luncheon sponsored by 7th grade 🚀 Sports Physicals and Immunization Clinic Friday 🚀 8th grade to Silver Dollar City Graduations 👨‍🎓 8th grade, May 7 @ 6:30PM 👨‍🎓 PreK 4, May 8 @ 9:00AM 👨‍🎓 Kindergarten, May 8 @ 10:00AM
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
Monthly information
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
April 23-28 📚 All library books should be turned in as soon as possible. Monday 🚀 All 1st-4th grades @ Zion track meet. If possible, please wear a Rocky Mountain tshirt. Tuesday 🚀 7/8 to County Track @ Stilwell Wednesday 🚀 8th to Stilwell High School Rookie Camp 🚀 All PreK through 4th grade to Amazeum in Bentonville, AR. If possible, wear Rocky Mountain tshirt. Leaving at 8:05. Please be to school on time! Friday Concession Saturday 🚀 ORES State Track @ McAlester *********** May 2 -Awards Assemblies May 7 -8th Grade Graduation, 6:30 May 8 - -PreK 4 Graduation, 9:00 AM -Kdg Graduation, 10:00 AM -Last Day of School
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
April Board Meeting Minutes
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
April 9-13 ** State Make-up testing will be done this week for any students who have been absent during the testing process **Progress Reports will be sent home this week. Watch this page for notification. Monday 📚 Last day for Book Fair 🚀 State testing for 5th and 7th Tuesday 🚀 State testing for 3rd and 4th 🚀 Ms. Goldman's After school Biz World students will present their project after school. Wednesday 🚀 State testing 3rd, 4th, 8th Thursday 🚀 5-8 grade track @ Stilwell 🚀 STEM Family Night - Hands-on make and take experiments for all students and parents, 5:30 - 7:00, New Gym Friday 🚀 Concession
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
April 2-6 🚀 spring picture orders are due 🚀 book fair all week 🚀 8th graders need to bring 4 baby pictures for graduation slide show Monday 🚀 NO SCHOOL 🚀 Native American Youth Language Fair @ Norman Tuesday and Wednesday 🚀 State Testing, grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 Thursday 🚀 State Testing, grades 5, 7, 8 🚀 STEM Night - hands-on activities for families in all grades, 5:30-7:00 PM, new gym, free hotdogs Friday 🚀 State Testing for Make-up testing 🚀 5th-8th Track @ Maryetta 🚀 concession
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
March 25-29 Tuesday 🍀 4-H Speech and Demonstration @ Maryetta Thursday 🏹 Archery Meet @ Moseley 🐣 Easter parties, teachers will send notes Friday AND Monday, April 2 🐰 NO SCHOOL
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
March Board Meeting Minutes
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
March 12-16 * Remember you should have turned your clocks forward 1 hour for Daylight Savings Time Monday 🚀 Spring Pictures - All Grades Proofs will be sent home once received 🚀 Report Cards will be sent home Wednesday 🚀 6th/7th grade RADA orders and money are due Thursday 🚀 Parent/Teacher Conferences, 3:05 - 8:05 PM 🚀 Pre-Enrollment for Preschool, 3:05 - 8:05 PM 🚀 Indian Taco Dinner, cafeteria, 3:00-7:00, $7 Sponsored by athletics to pay for state champion rings in football, cross-country, and hopefully track. Parents of athletes should call the office in order to sign up to bring items and volunteer. Friday 🚀 NO SCHOOL March 19-23 is Spring Break!!!
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
March 5-9 Monday AND Tuesday 🚀 2nd grade basketball @ Zion. Girls @ 4:00, boys @ 4:30. Parents should have players there 15 minutes before game time. 🚀 5-8 grade....Mrs. Reynolds will stay after school to assist anyone who has missing assignments for 3rd 9 weeks. If your student doesn't know if they should stay, you may call the office. Friday 🚀 Concession Upcoming Events!! 12th - Reports cards 15th - P/T conferences, 3:05-8:05 16th - No school 19th-23rd - Spring Break
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone