November 12-16 Monday 🇺🇸 Veterans Program, 10:30, New Gym 🏀 5/6 @ Peavine Tournament, 12:00 girls, 1:00 boys. Other games depend on record 🍴 7/8 RADA orders and money due to Mrs. Reynolds Tuesday 🏀 Cancelled - 7/8 basketball Thursday 🎶 5/6 Choral Festival, Performance inNew Gym @ 1:45 Friday 🍿 Concession
almost 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
Nov 5-9 REMEMBER - You should have turned your clocks back one hour! Monday - Thursday 🏀 5/6 Basketball Tournament @ Dahlonegah, Monday games against Zion. Girls @5:00, Boys @ 6:00. Other games will depend on record Tuesday 🏀 7/8 Basketball will be rescheduled Wednesday 🏀 3/4 Basketball @ Greasy, 9:00 AM Thursday 🔬 5-8 Science Fair, Old Gym, 9:00 AM Friday 🦃 Thanksgiving Dinner, beginning at 11:15, Families are welcome Basketball Schedules and Tournament Schedules will be posted on school Facebook and school website
almost 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
Basketball schedules 2018-2019
almost 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
3rd and 4th
Today’s game taught patience, perseverance, and persistence!! Going into the 4th quarter, the score was 0-0. Jennings scored a touchdown. Our boys had the choice of becoming disheartened and downtrodden or rally together and do the job that they have practiced each day with Coach Page. They chose to rally, drive down the field and score not only a touchdown to tie the score, but pushed through to seal the game with the 2 point conversion with 1:10 left on the clock. Good job to Jennings. Congratulations on a great season. Thank you for teaching us lessons and testing our endurance. Our students/school is blessed to have awesome students! From athletes, to cheerleaders, to water girls, to those that support from the sideline - they are some of the best!! Thank you always to our parents, families and fans for your great support and encouragement of the RM students and athletes. Rocky Mountain Rockets - 2018 ORES Division 3 State Champions!!! Congratulations players and Coach Michael Page!!! Job well done!! Check out our Facebook Page for more photos of today’s game!
almost 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
Photo 2
Photo 1
Family Crock Pot Night
almost 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
Family Crock Pot Night
Rockets are headed to the ORES Division 3 State Championship game!!! Win over Moseley tonight! Game Saturday will be played @ Tenkiller @ 1:00 PM
almost 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
Rocky vs Mosley
2018 Rockets cheer leaders at Rocky vs Mosley
October 29-Nov 3 📚 BOOK FAIR ALL WEEK Monday 🎃 Pumpkin Decorating Contest - students bring decorated pumpkins to old gym before school, judging will take place during the day, pumpkins will be sent home after school 🏈 ORES Division 3 Semi-Finals, playing Moseley at Tenkiller @ 8:00 PM. All tickets are $5. Players should be at cafeteria by 6:00 PM for supper. Team will dress at school and travel to game on bus. 7/8 Cheerleaders should have parents take them to Tenkiller and meet Ms. Goldman @ 7:45. Wednesday 👻 Costume Parade, New Gym, 12:30ish - costumes should be school appropriate. No blood and gore 🎉 Class Parties after parade. Parents may send snacks/treats Thursday 🍲 Crock Pot Cookoff - Family Night, 5:30-7:00, cafeteria........staff members will be competing for favorite recipe! Come taste new dishes, cast your vote, receive free recipes, attend the book fair, enter for chance to win free crockpot 🇺🇸 PARENT MEETING FOR 7/8 grade at 7:00 PM, information about Washington DC trip in May 2019; dates, cost, fundraisers, etc Friday 🍿 Concession 🏈 Powder Puff Football, 1:30, Football field. We will also recognize softball, cross country and football Saturday 🥇🏈 State ORES Football, Division 3, 1:00 @ Tenkiller. All tickets are $5
almost 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
Family Crock Pot Night
October 21-26 Drug Free Week - Prizes for top three students and top three staff members for “most-spirited” this week!!! Monday - Stay Strong Against Drugs - Wear Camouflage Tuesday - Don’t Black Out Your Future With Drugs - Wear Black 🚌 3/4 grade to Rockin R Pumpkin Patch Wednesday Keep Your Future Bright - Wear Bright, Neon, or Tye Dye Colors Thursday Make Your School Proud By Staying Drug Free - Wear Royal Blue 🚌 Kdg & Pre-1st to Peek-A-Boo Petting Zoo and Pumpkin Farm Friday Proud To Be Drug Free - Wear Red 🍿 Concession
almost 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
Division 3 ORES Football Payoffs Our first game is Oct 29th @ Tenkiller
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
Football ORES
October 8-12 **One Call network down - PLEASE SHARE! Monday AND Tuesday 🙌🏼 Cheer Clinic for Pre-K-5th for those who pre-registered, 3:05-4:30. 6-8th cheerleaders need to stay and help with clinic both days Wednesday 🚌 5/6 grade to Cherokee Civil War Eduaction Tour 🏃🏽‍♂️ 3-8 grade Cross Country @ Carson Park Thursday 👚 PINK OUT DAY and BALLGAME 🏈 5-8 Football, home vs Grandview, 4:30, 2 games 🙌🏼 Cheerr Clinic will perform between games Friday 🚌 3/4 grade to Har-Ber Village 🍿 Concession
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
October 1-5 ** All students should bring the following items in order to make our Carnival a success ~2, 2 liter bottles of pop ~a cake, cookies, cupcakes, or Little Debbie’s ~item for country store - something you would want to win **All students should return money and tickets for the meat basket. If you have unsold tickets, you should return them to school Tuesday 🧙🏻‍♀️ Fall Carnival, 6:00-8:00 PM We have many wonderful items for Bingo, Concession will be available. Proceeds go toward Christmas Fund for all students. 🤧 Flu shots will be provided by WPMHC during Carnival Thursday 🏈 5-8 Football @ Moffet, 2 games, 4:30 Friday 🏃🏽‍♂️ 3-8 Cross Country @ Maryetta 🍿 Concession
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
September 24-28 Monday 📷 Picture Retakes, Softball pictures and Cheer pictures Tuesday 🏈 3/4 Football @ home vs Tenkiller, 4:00 Wednesday 🏃🏽‍♂️ 3-6 Cross Country @ Tahlequah Thursday 🏈 3-8 Football @ Dahlonegah, 4:30, 3 games 🐷 7/8 Blue and Gold orders need to be picked up and delivered Friday 🍿 Concession
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
September 17- 21 Monday - Wednesday: ⭐️ 3rd and 4th grade Perry Leach softball tournament. 4th grade will play Monday at 9:00 and 3rd grade will play Tuesday at 10:40. The other games will be played according to their record. Thursday: 🚌 4th grade will be going to the Stilwell depot for a historical presentation by Gilcrease museum. 🏈 5th-8th grade football will play at home against Brushy. The first game starts at 4:00. Friday: ⭐️ 5th and 6th grade girls softball will play at home against Westville at 4:00. 🍿 Concession Monday (Sept 24th): 📷 Picture retakes as well as pictures for softball and cheer.
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
2018 Division 3 ORES Softball State Runner-Up! Congratulation Lady Rockets, Coach Kimble, and Coach Page, and Ms. Hamby!
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
ORES Division 3 State Runner-Up
Congratulations to Lady Rockets and Coach Kimble! They brought home 4th Place @ Adair County Tournament!! Today they beat Dahlonegah and lost to Maryetta. This is a great group of girls!
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
2018 Girls Softball and Coach Kimble
SCHEDULE CHANGES!!! Wednesday ⭐️ 3/4 Softball @ Stilwell @ 9:00 Thursday ⭐️ ORES State Softball @ Seminole, girls need to be at school at 5:30 AM! First game is @ 9:30 AM, championship game is at 9:30 PM 🏈 5-8 Football game is postponed until October 15 @ Briggs
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
OREs Softball Schedule
ORES softball State
Game pictures
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
Adair County Softball Tournament Lady Rockets played two great games today!! Game 1 - Lady Rockets 13, Greasy 0 Game 2 - Lady Rockets 0, Zion 2 They will play tomorrow at 11:30
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
Adair County Bracket
This week’s activities: Sept 10-14 Check our FB and webpage regularly for schedule/calendar updates and/or changes! **All PreK parents - please make sure all of your child’s paperwork is complete and turned in to Thelma. Monday ⭐️ 7/8 Adair County Softball Tournament at Carson Park. 1st game is at 1:00. If they win, they will play at 2:30 🐖 7/8 must have Blue and Gold orders and money turned in!!! Tuesday ⭐️ Softball County Tournament, based on Monday’s record 🏈 5-8 Football vs Moseley @ home, 4:00 & 5:00 Wednesday ⭐️ Cancelled - Softball games at Moseley Thursday ⭐️ ORES State Softball Tournament @ Seminole, will post bracket when we receive it 🏈 5-8 Football @ Briggs, 5:30 & 6:30 ⭐️ Cancelled - 3/4 grade Softball 📷 Rescheduled - Picture retakes will be Sept 24th Friday 🍿 Concession
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
2018 Football
Adair County Softball Tournament
Updated Maryetta Softball Tournament
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Cone
Updated Maryetta Softball Tournament